三年级下册英语Unit 1同步听力测试

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三年级下册英语Unit 1同步听力测试课文内容

一、听一听,排一排。用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1. My father likes coffee.           2. This is an egg.          3. Look at the dog. It’s cute.

4. I like ants.         5. This is my new bag.        6. The apple is red.      7. I can see 1 elephant.       8. I like Coke.      9. I’m John. I’m from UK.     10. Big letters ‘CBA’.


二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1. I like coffee.   2. This is my dog.   3. I have an egg.   4. I can see an ant.  

5. I have a bag.   6. Show me big letters ‘EAD’, ‘EAD’, please.             7. Show me small letters ‘bde’.  8.  Spell the word boy, B-O-Y, boy.      9. A-A-A, Say OK!

10. My name is John. I’m a student.


三、听录音,圈出你所听到的图片字母编号。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1. I’m from Canada.     2. Draw a girl.   3. This is my teacher, Mr. Black. 

4. This is my friend, Amy.  5. BBB, touch your knee.


四、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,用 “√”或“×”表示。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1. I’m John. I’m a boy.     2. Small letter ‘d’.    3. A: Good morning, Miss White. B: Good morning, John.        4. I’m Bailing. I’m a student.    5. This is a cat.   

6. It’s a duck.       7. Big letter “BDE”.     8. I’m from America.          9. Look at that boy, he is my new friend, Mike.      10. I like Coke.


五、听录音,连线。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1.        I’m Chen Jie. I’m a girl. I’m from China.

2.        I’m Miss White. I’m a teacher. I’m from America.

3.        I’m John. I’m a boy. I’m from Canada.

4.        I’m Mike. I’m a student. I’m from UK.


六、听录音,给下列句子重新排列顺序。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1.        Class, we have a new friend today.

2.        This is Lily.

3.        Hello, Lily! Nice to meet you.

4.        Where are you from?

5.        I’m from Canada.


七、听录音,选择最佳答句。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

1.        Where are you from?

2.        Good morning, boys and girls.

3.        Watch out!

4.        I’m sorry.

5.        This is my friend, Mike.


八、听一听,根据读音选择正确的字母,将下列单词补充完整。(每小题读两遍, 每小题之间将停留3秒钟,供你填写答案)

 1. elephant    2. apple    3. dog   4. Coke    5. bag             6. egg


三年级下册英语Unit 1同步听力测试剧情介绍

三年级下册英语Unit 1同步听力测试