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启蒙基础:互动游戏 Riddles

启蒙基础:互动游戏 Riddles


修改时间:2013-04-04 09:41:14

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RiddlesRiddlesTheme of the game: Theme of the game:Theme of the game:QuestionsQuestionsBoys and girls.Do you like solving riddles? Can you solve the following riddles?Now,let's have a competition.I'll divide you into two groups.I have five riddles for each group,1,3,5,7,9 for Group A.2,4,6,8,10 for Group B.Let's see which group can solve more riddles.Now,Group A ,listen. What has hands but no feet,a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?What is it?Tell us your answer,Group A.It is a clock.Let's check if your answer is correct or not.Well,you are right.You got one answer correct.Now,Group B,listen. 2.What can you hear,feel and smell, but you can't see or touch?What is it? Tell us your answer,Group B.It is the air.You got one answer correct,too.Now,Group A,listen.3.What is black when it is clean,and it's white when it is dirty?It is a notebook.Oh,sorry,you're wrong.It is a blackboard.4.What has teeth but can't eat and girls often use?It is a comb.You got two answers correct.5.In the morning,it rises high; in the day,it waves bright.It rests at night.It is a flag.Well, you're right.6.When you listen,it's like a letter;when you look, it begins to work.It is an eye.You got three answers correct.7.Higher than a house,Higher than a tree.Bright every night,you can see.Can you guess,what can it be!Stars.The answer is: Stars.Well,you're right.8.Thirty-two white horses.Upon a red hill.Now they are stamping,Now they are champing,Now they are standing still.What are they,can you guess?Teeth.The answer is: Teeth.You got four answers correct.Now,which group solved more riddles?Let's check.3Group A got only three answers correctbut Group B got 4four answers correct.So Group B is the winner.
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