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启蒙基础:互动游戏 The Perfect Animal

启蒙基础:互动游戏 The Perfect Animal


修改时间:2013-04-04 09:39:54

播放次数: 次

The Perfect AnimalTheme of the game: Body partsGood morning,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to my party.Today,I will make a perfect animal.A perfect animal?How can you make one?You all have your own perfect part on your body.If I put all your perfect parts together,I will have a perfect animal.I don't think you can because the perfect parts on every one of us can only be perfect alone with the imperfect partsof our body.No animal has a body ofall perfect parts.No one can be perfect.I'm the King.I can make a perfect animal.You, Fox, leave at once.Now,I can make my perfect animal.First, the head.Okay,I'll start with the head of a tiger,the mouth of an ox,the nose of a fox,the eyes of an eagle,a tongue of a parrot and the ears of a snake.Then, I'll make the body.I'll take the neck of a giraffe,the two arms of a monkey,two legs of an elephant,and two feet of a horse.Now, it's perfect.All animals, listen to me!I have made the most perfect animalin the world.Now, you can see the perfect animalI have made.Say hooray for my perfect animal.Hooray, the perfect animal.It's not a real animal.It cannot run, it cannot jump,it cannot hop,and it cannot even walk.And it cannot breathe.Yes, you're quite right.It's not an animal.You fool. Look, it's becoming alive.You fool. Look. It can walk.You fool. Look. It can run.Hooray, for all the imperfect animals.
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